Frequently Asked Questions about Certification

Q. How long does an individual’s certification last?

A. PSAI Certification is valid for three (3) years after successful completion of the Basic Service Technician Training Series (if required by your state) and passing the certification exam. Renewal is required every three years.

For persons certified before March 27, 2019 renewal involves re-committing to the Certified Portable Sanitation Professional Code of Ethics and payment of the appropriate fees. Individual states may also require proof of continuing education.

For everyone certified on March 27, 2019 or after, and for everyone who has been re-certified since March 27, 2019, at least six (6) hours of continuing education credit will be required to renew your credential in three years time. For more information, please refer to page 9 in the PSAI Professional Certification Program Manual.

Q. My state doesn’t require this. What benefits are there for becoming certified anyway?

A. Successful completion of the certification exam demonstrates exemplary knowledge of laws and best practices that apply to the portable sanitation industry. It puts you and your team at a competitive advantage with other companies. You can leverage this status when you apply for contracts, market your firm, and seek insurance coverage.

In general, companies report that certified employees make fewer mistakes, have fewer accidents, and do a better job. It reflects well on your company and saves you money. If you reward people for attaining and maintaining their certification, it can help you retain them as workers as well.

Q. How many U.S. States accept PSAI Certification as fulfillment for educational requirements in governmental regulations?

A. Many states recognize PSAI’s training courses for continuing education requirements. Contact us for a list or to request that we work with your state. Presently Illinois and Georgia recognize PSAI Certification as valid for licensure in those states. If you know that your state now recognizes PSAI Certification, please contact the PSAI office at

Q. Can I host a certification exam at my company?

A. Generally, yes. Depending on whether you want training as well, and whether you want both to be in-person or virtual, there are several options and considerations. Review this information or give us a call.

Certification Program Manual

Certifying Your Team

Q. Is training required prior to taking the certification examination?

A. If it is required for licensure by your state or county (in Illinois and Georgia, for example) then yes, training is a pre-requisite for the taking the examination.

If it is not required by your licensing body, then—strictly speaking—no, training is not mandatory. It is, however, wise to make sure anyone taking the examination has had some method of brushing up on the laws, rules, best practices, and other areas of competency covered by the examination. Training is a great way to do that.

Q. Can I buy the PSAI training program and deliver it myself at my company?

The Basic Service Technician Training Series is available online as self-paced, on-demand courses. Purchase the training series in bulk for multiple employees and receive a discount. Learn more and register. In-person training is often offered at PSAI live events and some affiliate events.

Q: Is the certification examination available in Spanish?

A: At this time, the examination is only available in English. 

Q: My question isn’t on this list. Where can I get more information?

A: The PSAI has published three resources about the certification program. They include:

If you have additional questions, please contact the PSAI office.